Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Kim Vân Kiều by Nguyễn Du (1766-1820

Le Mercredi 21 septembre 2016 6h50, Vinh-Thien QUACH <> a écrit :

Kim Vân Kiều
by Nguyễn Du (1766-1820).

The UNESCO has proceeded with care to the conservation and has classified it among the patrimonial work of the humanity 1965.

ThuyKieu 2
Video Playlist – The Tale of Kiêu :

Voyage en Images et en Musique :

KVK - 3

KVK68 - 1

KVK68 - 2

Video Youtube – The Tale of Kiêu 68 – Lâm Thanh City :

Voyage en Images et en Musique :

The Tale of Kiều.

68 – Lâm Thanh City.

(Lâm Thanh)
Poem: Nguyễn Du (1766-1820)
Music: Quách Vĩnh Thiện
Kim Van Kieu (CD-KVK7-02)
Verses: 2821-2862.
English Translation: Lê Xuân Thủy.

He hurried home and had a pavilion built in his flowery garden. Then Kim invited Mr. and Mrs. Vuong to come and live him. Morning and night, he came to fulfill his ritual filial duties by taking care of them as Thuy-Kiêu had previously. With admirable constancy, he wrote many successive letters with black ink thinned with his tears. He sent men everywhere in search for his beloved and tried kinds of correspondence with the sole hope of securing information about her.

How much money had been spent in hiring people for this commission? How many long voyages had been made to Weihsien. Poor young man, how could he find her in a region when she was in the other and especially in this vast country? His grief and impatience seemed to reach their paroxysm as though his liver had been burnt by a hot iron and something had pierced his tender heart. Like a silkworm emptied of its silk, Kim grew more and more etiolated day after day. Dew and snow had made his frail body dismally thin.

Always absorbed in his thoughts, sometimes Kim did not even know whether he was awake or dreaming. By dint of weeping, his tears were now mixed with blood and his soul seemed to leave his body and float in some dream.
How could one describe the anxiety of the old man and of his wife? If this continued unforeseeable calamity might happen to the poor young lover. They hastened to make necessary preparations and chose a good day for the celebration of his marriage to Thuy-Vân. The rosy hymen thread thus linked the graceful beauty with the talent scholar into an ideal couple in the prime of their spring.
Though enjoying this marriage, Kim could not forget the deep sorrow that had tortured his poor heart.

During the co-habitation and in all his acts, it seemed as though the deeper their new union was the more overflowing grew his old love. Each time he retraced the misfortunes of Kiêu, Kim burst into bitter tears and looked so mournful as if his bowels had been twisted one hundred times. Occasionally, staying alone in his study room, he burned the incense and took out the pipa of the past happy days. He let his fingers dance on the chords, listening to the doleful murmuring of the silk. The aloe smoke curled up lightly. The curtains waved gently in the breeze. It seemed as if Kiêu’s voice were rising somewhere from the veranda, singing for him and that her silhouette appeared before his eyes like in a dream.

His heart remained so faithful to their oaths carved on gold and on stone that every time he dreamed of her, it appeared as if she came back to him in this place. Sorrow and melancholy invaded his heart night and day.
How many springs had been succeeded by autumns? At a literary competition organized in the capital both Vuong-Quan and Kim-Trong received their doctorate on the same day of spring. This was like Heaven’s door opened wide for them to a glory as high as the clouds. The almond-flowers of the imperial garden greeted them on their passage and their fame spread as far as the elm-trees of their native village.

La cité Lâm Thanh 
( Lâm Thanh )
CD-KVK7-02, de vers 2821 à vers 2862.
Musique : Quach Vinh-Thien. Paris, le 13 Septembre 2008.
Traduction : Nguyen Van Vinh
Voix : Xuan Phu
Rentré chez lui, il fit aménager sa maison entourée de jardin.
Et pria le chef de bureau de venir s’y installer avec sa femme.
Matin et soir, il les entoura de soins affectueux selon le rite ordinaire.
Il s’en chargea aux lieux et place de celle qui l’avait fait jadis.
Avec une constance admirable il écrivit des lettres avec de l’encre délayée dans ses larmes.
Il envoya des gens la rechercher partout et essaya de lui écrire par tous les moyens.
Quelles dépenses ne dit-il pas en agents et commissionnaires de toutes sortes.
Que de longs voyages il fit pour aller à Lâm Thanh et en revenir.
Mais pendant qu’elle était en un lieu, il la cherchait toujours en un autre.
Comment chercher quelque chose dans ce vaste pays qu’il ne connaissait pas ?
Son désespoir était au comble et son impatience intolérable.
Son courage était à l’épreuve du feu et sa sensibilité soumise aux plus cruelles meurtrissures.
Ses entrailles endolories se desséchaient.
A force d’affronter tous les jours des intempéries son corps fragile maigrissait.
Somnolent, il lui arrivait de ne plus savoir s’il veillait au rêvait.
Il pleurait des larmes de sang et son âme semblait vouloir l’abandonner quand las de tous ces vains efforts il se laissait assoupir.
Que d’inquiétudes et de craintes il donnait ainsi au père et à la mère.
Si cela devait durer plus que de raison, il arriverait un moment où cela atteindrait un poil qu’on ne pouvait prévoir.
En toute hâte l’on fit des préparatifs et l’on choisit le jour.
Pour célébrer son mariage avec Thuy-Vân.
Elle, fine et gracieuse, lui lettré.
C’était un garçon cultivé et une fille de toute beauté au milieu de leur printemps.
Quoiqu’ils fussent tout pleins de leur joie de nouveaux mariés.
Cette joie ne pouvait faire oublier la profonde douleur qu’ils éprouvaient.
Dans leurs rapports et dans leurs actes de chaque jour.
On voyait que plus leur union nouvelle était profonde plus son affection pour celle qui n’était plus débordait. Et chaque fois qu’il se souvenait des malheurs de Kieu.
Il pleurait d’abondantes larmes et sentait ses entrailles s’embrouiller comme si elles étaient  entortillées en des centaines de circonvolutions.
Quelquefois, seul dans son cabinet de travail.
Il rallumait la cassolette d’encens et sortait de l’armoire la Pipa des beaux jours passés.
Ses doigts tournant et retournant sur les touches faisaient alors monologuer en sourdine les cordes de soie. La fumée de bois d’aloès s’envolait légèrement et la brise légère faisait onduler les rideaux. Il semblait que par-dessus le toit et du côté du seuil de la maison.
La voix de Kieu se fit entendre et que sa silhouette se montrât comme dans un rêve.
Parce que son cœur était resté fidèle à son bien aimé. Sa seule pensée avait pu ainsi la faire revenir là sous ses yeux. Ce n’était pour lui que tristesse et mélancolie nuit et jour.
Que de printemps et d’automnes se succédèrent ainsi. Sur ces entrefaites, il y eut une session de concours littéraire à la capitale.
Vuong et Kim furent tous deux reçus docteurs le même jour.
La porte du Ciel leur fut largement ouverte au-delà de laquelle ils trouvèrent la voie des nuages.
Les fleurs du jardin impérial saluèrent leur passage et le parfum de leur gloire se répandit jusque dans leur pays natal
Lâm Thanh
CD-KVK702 - Từ câu thơ 2821 đến câu 2862
Thơ : Nguyễn Du
Nhạc : Quách Vĩnh-Thiện
Paris, le 13 Septembre 2008
Ca Sĩ : Xuân Phú
Vội về sửa chốn vườn hoa,
Rước mời viên ngoại ông bà cùng sang,
Thần hôn chăm chút lễ thường,
Dưỡng thân thay tấm lòng nàng ngày xưa,
Đinh ninh mài lệ chép thư,
Cắt người tìm tõi đưa tờ nhắn nhe,
Biết bao công mướn của thuê,
Lâm thanh mấy độ đi về dặm khơi.
Người một nơi hỏi một nơi,
Mênh mông nào biết biển trời nơi nao,
Sinh càng thảm thiết khát khao,
Như nung gan sắt như bào lòng son,
Ruột tầm ngày một héo hon,
Tuyết sương ngày một hao mòn mình ve,
Thẩn thờ lúc tỉnh lúc mê,
Máu theo nước mắt hồn lìa chiêm bao,
Xuân huyên lo sợ xiết bao,
Quá ra khi đến thế nào mà hay.
Vội vàng sấm sửa chọn ngày,
Duyên Vân sớm đã xe dây cho chàng,
Người yểu điệu kẻ văn chương,
Trai tài gái sắc xuân đương vừa thì,
Tuy rằng vui chữ vu qui,
Vui nầy đã cất sầu kia được nào,
Khi ăn ở lúc ra vào,
Càng âu duyên mới càng dào tình xưa,
Nỗi nàng nhớ đến bao giờ,
Tuôn châu đòi trận vò tơ trăm vòng.
Có khi vắng vẻ thư phòng,
Đốt lò hương giở phím đồng ngày xưa.
Bẻ bay rủ rỉ tiếng tơ,
Trầm bay nhạt khói gió đưa lay rèm,
Dường như bên nóc trước thềm,
Tiếng Kiều đồng vọng bóng xiêm mơ màng,
Bởi lòng tạc đá ghi vàng,
Tưởng nàng nên lại thấy nàng về đây,
Những là phiền muộn đêm ngày,
Xuân thu đã biết đổi thay mấy lần.
Chế khoa gặp hội trường văn,
Vương Kim cùng chiếm bảng xuân một ngày.
Cửa trời rộng mở đường mây,
Hoa chào ngõ hạnh hương bay dặm phần.
Chú giải :
Lâm Thanh = là nơi Mã Giám Sinh nói dối là quê ở đó.
Dặm phần = quê nhà.


The Tale of Kiều 01 - The two sisters Thúy Kiều and Thúy Vân:

The Tale of Kiều 02 - Commemoration of the pure clearness of clemency:

The Tale of Kiều 03 - Beauty of rose and thorny destiny:

The Tale of Kiều 04 – Gentleman Kim Trọng:

The Tale of Kiều 05 – Why did I meet this man - Gặp Gở Làm Chi?

The Tale of Kiều 06 – The destiny resulting Karma - Kiếp Nhân Duyên:

The Tale of Kiều 07 – The interpretation of dream, the source of tears:

The Tale of Kiều 08 – The Gentleman Kim Trọng and the beautiful Thúy Kiều:

The Tale of Kiều 09 – Today the wind, tomorrow the rain:

The Tale of Kiều 10 - The Generosity of spring - Lượng Xuân:

The Tale of Kiều 11 - The fire of incense - Lửa Hương:

DVD 2 – Love side, side filial piety.


The Tale of Kiều 12 – Light Heart - Lòng Xuân:

The Tale of Kiều 13 – Chung Tử Kỳ, a famous music connoisseur:

The Tale of Kiều 14 – Liêu Dương City:

The Tale of Kiều 15 – The Three Winters – Ba Đông:

The Tale of Kiều 16 – Love Side, Side Filial Piety – Bên Tình Bên Hiếu:

The Tale of Kiều 17 - Sound and Sonata of a lament - Ép Cung Cầm Nguyệt :

The Tale of Kiều 18 - The thread of the sentimental life - Tơ Duyên :

The Tale of Kiều 19 – A remains of the incense - Mảnh Hương Nguyền :

The Tale of Kiều 20 – Mr Mã Giám Sinh :

The Tale of Kiều 21 – Mrs Tú Bà :

The Tale of Kiều 22 – Heart Torn - Đoạn Trường :

DVD 3 – To Seduce the wind that entails clouds.


The Tale of Kiều 23 – The Mirror of the Sun and the Moon - Gương Nhật Nguyệt:

The Tale of Kiều 24 – The House of joy – Lầu Xanh :

The Tale of Kiều 25 – Winds and Dusts – Phong Trần :

The Tale of Kiều 26 – The destiny – Túc Nhân :

The Tale of Kiều 27 – A Sad Look – Buồn Trông :

The Tale of Kiều 28 – Mr Sở Khanh, the Don Juan :

The Tale of Kiều 29 – Hibiscus – Phù Dung:

The Tale of Kiều 30 – To seduce to the wind, to entail clouds - Quyến Gió Rủ Mây :

The Tale of Kiều 31 – Mr Tống Ngọc and Mr Tràng Khanh, the snobs :

The Tale of Kiều 32 – The willow of Chương Đài :

The Tale of Kiều 33 – Thúc Sinh, the literateed :

DVD 4 - The beauty and the elegant.


The Tale of Kiêu 34 - Fashion the destiny by clouds and marsh - Phận Bèo Mây:

The Tale of Kiêu 35 – Night short, lover forever – Đêm Ngắn Tình Dài :

The Tale of Kiêu 36 – The hand taken to the trap – Tay Đã Nhúng Chàm :

The Tale of Kiêu 37 – The beauty and the elegant :

The Tale of Kiêu 38 – Made unveil - Yếm Thắm Trôn Kim :

The Tale of Kiêu 39 – Ephemeral flower and fleeting Moon :

The Tale of Kiêu 40 – The ardour of a fiery heart - Càng Mặn Càng  Nồng :

The Tale of Kiêu 41 – The to be omniscience – Lâm Tri :

The Tale of Kiêu 42 – The ephemeral – Phi Phù Trí Quỷ :

The Tale of Kiêu 43 – The Earth to the Hell – Tam Đảo Cửu Tuyền :

The Tale of Kiêu 44 – Hatred and Debts – Túc Trái Tiền Oan :

DVD 5 – Bird in cage, fish in the jar.

Logo - KimVanKieu 5

The Tale of Kiêu 45 – Loves found – Tương Phùng :

The Tale of Kiêu 46 – Distraught Souls - Phách Lạc Hồn Xiêu :

The Tale of Kiêu 47 – The Conjugal Chamber – Loan Phòng :

The Tale of Kiêu 48 – Trạc Tuyền, name Buddhis :

The Tale of Kiêu 49 – Thiếp Lan Đình, the Manor Cloister :

The Tale of Kiêu 50 – Gold and Silver – Kim Ngân :

The Tale of Kiêu 51 – Water of Gange - Hằng Thủy :

The Tale of Kiêu 52 – Tutelary Spirits, Spirits of the Earth - Thành Hoàng Thổ Công :

The Tale of Kiêu 53 – Từ Hải to the face of tiger

and to the profile of swallow : v=VkAKbZ2NvGY&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 54 – Fish in bowls and Birds in cages
- Cá Chậu Chim Lồng : v=2kMRlyNtVzg&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 55 – The palace Cung Nga and the Moon : v=qOushJ-V9Dk&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

DVD 6 – To harm to others, will be rendered you.

Logo - KVK 6

The Tale of Kiêu 56 – Ornate imperial chariot of Phenix - Phượng Liễn Loan Nghi : v=nVDnV-IKeds&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g


The Tale of Kiêu 57 – Infinite recognition – Nghĩa Trọng Nghìn Non : v=ma3c-QZO20I&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g


The Tale of Kiêu 58 – To harm to others, will be rendered you –
Hại Nhân Nhân Hại : v=rhR9QJq--hw&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 59 – Forecase – Tiền Định : v=5NabMmod85k&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 60 – Beautiful Silks – Gấm Vóc : v=EeYQx2_4Jr8&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 61 – Commitments under battlements – Thành Hạ Yêu Minh : v=8AycELGIW44&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 62 – Three anterior lives - Hương Lửa Ba Sinh :

The Tale of Kiêu 63 – Pink Silk - Tơ Đào : v=I1nu2XlP9Jo&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g


The Tale of Kiêu 64 – Karmic Relationship - Nghiệp Duyên : v=wRkqtOxPCtU&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 65 – Haunted of beautiful dream – Phách Quế Hồn Mai :

The Tale of Kiêu 66 – Ceremony of funerals – Phù Tang : v=GRGZMNWRWV4&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 67 – Future life – Lai Sinh : v=waF7999aYgs&list= UURuamTfHI51hDifqPxXqQ8g

The Tale of Kiêu 68 – Lâm Thanh City :

Quách Vĩnh Thiện

Voyage en Images et en Musique :

Association Culturelle Traditionnelle Vietnamienne
( Hội Văn Hóa Cổ Truyền Việt Nam )


Posted by: Quach Vinh-Thien <

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